Post-Lockdown Recovery: What is the New ‘Normal’ Going to Look Like?
A jointly organized Meet-The-Experts seminar between PSIS International Northern Mindanao Chapter and BCM Institute
As news of the latest lockdown extension hits Manila, the capital city of Philippines is set to have one of the longest lockdown community lockdowns yet, stretching to 11 weeks and ending only in June. Even while other less affected areas of the country begin to ease quarantine measures, Manila, which accounts for over 66% of infections, is doubling down to curb the community spread of the virus.
Barring another future extension, businesses have a small amount of time before the lockdown is eased, and should start looking forward towards how they plan to return back into the new ‘Normal’. Is everything going to go back to the way it was prior to COVID at the end of the lockdown, or is the slide towards normalcy a slow, more gradual process? How many of the safety measures undertaken during COVID by both the business and the staff need to still be in place in post-lockdown and for how long? These are just some of the questions any business that wants to stay alive –and for their staff to stay alive- must ask themselves ahead of time before the economy reopens.
During the course of this webinar, a few key points of discussion include:
- Define Return to Normalcy
- Guide industry professionals on the considerations to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown and to transition back from Remote Working towards the workplace
- Establishing a measured plan to return back to the workplace in several paced phases
- Recognize the urgency to communicate the measures, expectations, and information to all internal and external stakeholders regarding how to move forward after the lockdown
- Prioritize resources and address impact both physical and psychological.
- Prepare an on-going after action and continuous improvement plan
- Understanding the ‘New Normal’ that all organizations will have to face after the lockdown ends
Presented and moderated by Dr Goh Moh Heng, President, BCM Institute
Registration is Closed.