WCC Malaysia 2015: Crisis and Disaster Leadership: Navigating the Path to BCM Excellence
Malaysia, 7 October 2015 – BCM Institute successfully organized their annual World Continuity Congress (WCC) Malaysia 2015, themed Crisis and Disaster Leadership: Navigating the Path to BCM Excellence at Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside.
WCC Malaysia 2015 has, once again, proved itself a roaring success. With more than half a dozen of the Asia’s most experienced professionals speaking and informing about such topics as Cybersecurity, IT Disaster Recovery (DR), the latest in Business Continuity Management (BCM) trends, and the ever-relevant Haze crisis, the WCC is now more than ever the premier forum for your BC and DR needs in Asia Pacific, the Middle East and beyond. As ever, we aim to raise awareness for the absolutely important role of BCM practices in organizations, and extend the career opportunities of BCM professionals through better, more grounded BCM practices.
Looking forward, we hope to retain this level of excellence for the WCC Singapore conference that will be held on 11th May 2016 at Marina Bay Sands Singapore. A one-day conference divided into a morning and afternoon session, the WCC, as always, seeks in-depth study on BCM issues. The theme for this WCC will be Best Practices: Building a resilient Future for Your Industry, and we want Expert, International, and Extraordinary speakers to participate in Asia’s foremost event for BCM and DR practitioners.
The WCC gives speakers access to over 150 BC and DR professionals not only across Asia Pacific, but from the Middle East and even as far as Europe. The primary bulk of these professionals, from numerous industries across Asia, represent over 65% of the professionals in the region. You, the professional will have a chance to network with the best and brightest BCM has to offer.
Primary speakers will be provided with complimentary registration to the full conference, including admission to all sessions, the exhibit area, and sponsored events such as breakfasts and lunches where applicable. For more information, as well as a list of recommended BCM topics, please refer our website at: https://www.worldcontinuitycongress.com/wcc-singapore-2016/wcc-sg-2016-calling-papers/, contact Dr Goh Moh Heng at +65 6748 1528 or email to: event@bcm-institute.org